Canadian Journal of Emergency Nursing/Journal Canadien des infirmières d’urgence
The Official Journal of the National Emergency Nurses Association
Advertising Information for 2020
The Canadian Journal of Emergency Nursing/Journal Canadien des infirmières d’urgence is a biannual publication distributed to more than 1,000 members of the National Emergency Nurses Association (NENA) throughout Canada.
Download the 2020 rate card
Publication dates
- Spring 2020
- Confirmation: March 1
- Art submission: March 15
- Publication: April
- Fall 2020
- Confirmation: October 1
- Art submission: October 15
- Publication: November
Advertising rates (net, CAD)
- Full page: $895.00
- Half page: $525.00
- Quarter page: $360.00
- Double page spread: $1,620.00
Colour rates
- Standard spot colour: Additional $250.00 per colour
- Full process colour: Additional $600.00
- No premiums apply to preferred positions.
- We regret that we cannot offer an agency discount. Terms: net 30 days
All amounts shown are in Canadian Dollars.
Technical information
- Trim Size: 8.5 × 11"
- Bleed Size: 8.75 × 11.25"
- Type Page: 6.75 × 9.5"
- Half page horizontal: 6.75 × 4.75"; vertical: 3.25 × 9.5"
- Quarter page: 3.25 × 4.75"
Digital files only
High-resolution PDF preferred (300 dpi, CMYK). Email files to heather@pappin.com or call for FTP upload instructions.
Discounted rates are available for combined print and website advertising.
NENA advertising options 2020
The official website of the National Emergency Nurses’ Association Inc. provides users with information about emergency nursing as a specialty. It includes association, membership and education news, events and information. The website received more than 40,000 unique views in 2018.
NENA.ca career ads
Type of posting | Three months | Six months | One year |
Classified listing: on career or conference pate (as appropriate) with link or PDF download | $180 | $300 | $480 |
Classified plus: listing plus scrolling sidebar display ad on upper right hand side of all high-traffic pages (news, careers, conferences, members, forums | $360 | $600 | $960 |
One-time email blast to NENA members disbursement fee | $895 |
Combined print ad in CJEN/JCIU + NENA website ad (b&w rate—colour additional)
(50% web rate for six-month classified plus posting)
- Quarter page: $360.00 + $300.00 = $660.00
- Half page: $525.00 + $300.00 = $825.00
- Full page: $895.00 + $300.00 = $1,195.00
- Double page spread: $1,620.00 + $300.00 = $1,920.00
Technical information
Supply text in Word for Career/Job Board ads. Supply sidebar ads as 150 px × 150 px JPG, 72 DPI. Forward to heather@pappin.com. Ads will be posted within seven working days whenever possible.
Canadian Journal of Emergency Nursing/Journal Canadien des infirmières d’urgence is published for the National Emergency Nurses Affiliation Inc. by Pappin Communications, Pembroke, Ontario.
For further information
Contact Heather Coughlin, Pappin Communications The Victoria Centre, 84 Isabella Street, Pembroke, ON K8A 5S5. Phone: 613 735-0952, email: