Official publication of the Operating Room Nurses Association of Canada (ORNAC)
The ORNAC Journal is a peer-reviewed journal covering topics related to professional development, management, and surgical procedures in the perioperative environment.
The journal will also showcase national and provincial news and events relevant to the perioperative nursing specialty.
Readership includes perioperative nurses, nursing directors, supervisors, coordinators, clinical educators and allied healthcare professionals such as medical device reprocessing (MDR) supervisors, infection control practitioners, post anesthetic recovery room nurses (PACU), hospital libraries and industry partners.
ORNAC has approximately 1,000 members and associates.
Beginning in 2024! The ORNAC Journal will be published twice annually as an online-only, open access journal at www.ornacjournal.ca
Download the 2025 rate card
Publication Schedule
Issue 1 – Spring/Summer
Ad Confirmation: May 1
Ad File Due: May 24
Issue 2 – Fall/Winter
Ad Confirmation: November 1
Ad File Due: November 25
Advertising Rates
All ads full colour
1 insertion
Full Page $1,400
Half Page $915
Quarter Page $530
2 insertions
Full Page $1,250 per insertion
Half Page $840 per insertion
Quarter Page $500 per insertion
Digital Advertising Options
Banner ad on the ORNACjournal.ca homepage with hyperlink: $1,400 per six‑month post
Shorter length of post will be prorated (i.e., $235 per month)
Banner ad in emails to members (approximately four sent per month): Initial/single banner: $1,250
Additional banner ads booked at the same time: $935 each
Social media post (includes Facebook, X, LinkedIn, Instagram): $60
10% discount offered on journal ad rates when combined with a digital option (exlcuding social media posts).
Ad Specifications
300 DPI .pdf file required
Full page
Trim size: 8.5″ × 11″;
type margin: 6.75″ × 9.5″
1/2 page
6.75″ × 4.75″
1/2 page (vertical)
3.25″ × 9.5″
1/4 page
3.25″ × 4.75″
Website banner specifications
72 DPI
.jpg, .gif or .png file format
728 × 90 px
Email alert specifications
72 DPI
.jpg, .gif or .png file format
600 × 90 px
E-blast specifications
72 DPI graphic for top of email + any supplementary images
.jpg, .gif or .png file format
Maximum 600 px width for images
Social media links + body text
For further information:
If you have questions, or to book an ad, contact Heather Coughlin, Pappin Communications
Email: heather@pappin.com or call 613-633-1938
The ORNAC Journal is published for ORNAC by Pappin Communications, Cobden, ON