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The Canadian Journal of Critical Care Nursing™ (CJCCN) is the only peer-reviewed, open access critical care nursing journal in Canada. Online access to the digital journal is available on the journal website (cjccn.ca) and members receive notification when each new issue is available.
The journal covers topics related to clinical care and evidence-based practice, education, management, research and professional issues in critical care nursing.
Advertising rates (net, CAD)
Full page: $895
Half page: $525
Quarter page: $360
Journal website:
Placed on homepage, includes link to advertiser’s URL
3-month post: $1,250
Email alert banner:
Placed at the top of the email notification delivered to all members when a new issue is published: $1,250
E-blast to all members: $1,250
Publication dates (three issues per year)
Issue 1
Confirmation: February 7
Art submission: February 21
Publication: March
Issue 2
Confirmation: June 6
Art submission: June 20
Publication: July
Issue 3
Confirmation: October 3
Art submission: October 17
Publication: November
Advertising Information for 2025
Download the 2025 rate card
The Canadian Journal of Critical Care Nursing™ (CJCCN) is the only peer-reviewed, open access critical care journal in Canada. Online access is available for the digital journal on the journal website and members receive notification when each new issue is available. A limited number of hard copies will be printed for our subscribers.
The journal covers topics related to clinical care and evidence-based practice, education, management, research and professional issues in critical care nursing.
Publication dates
Confirmation: January 5
Art submission: January 19
Publication: February
Confirmation: April 5
Art submission: April 19
Publication: May
Confirmation: July 5
Art submission: July 19
Publication: August
Confirmation: October 4
Art submission: October 18
Publication: November
Advertising rates (net, CAD)
Full page, full colour: $1,550
Half page, full colour: $1,150
Quarter page, full colour: $975
Journal website:
Placed on homepage, includes link to advertiser’s URL
3-month post: $1,250
Email alert banner:
Placed at the top of the email notification delivered to all members when a new issue is published: $1,250
CACCN Social Media advertising opportunities
CACCN Social Media advertising opportunities
Facebook / X(Twitter) / LinkedIn / Instagram
Single post on each $60
Monthly post for 3 months $175
Monthly post for 6 mos. $350
Combine a social media post with a journal ad and receive a 5% discount on the total cost.
All amounts shown are in Canadian Dollars.
Technical information
300 DPI .pdf file required
- Trim Size: 8.5 × 11″
Bleed Size: 8.75 × 11.25″
Type page: 6.75 × 9.5″ - Half-page horizontal: 6.75 × 4.75″
- Half-page vertical: 3.25 × 9.5″
- Quarter-page: 3.25 × 4.75″
Website banner specifications
72 DPI
.jpg, .gif or .png file format
728 x 90 px
Email alert banner specifications
72 DPI
.jpg, .gif or .png file format
600 x 90 px
Additional information
For further information, contact:
Heather Coughlin
Pappin Communications
1012 Snake River Line
Cobden, ON K0J 1K0
Phone: 613-633-1938
E-mail: heather@pappin.com